Sunday, December 7, 2008

...The Universe Speaks.

"The universe
as they say

and I flow with it
but one drop

tributaries into creeks into rivers into bays into

into clouds

where i might find
true love

where i might be
true love

The universe speaks

signs and symbols

yes or no

come here go there...

be bloom or not

and feel the flush of life

and feel the dream
of day after day
simply being

Three billion heart beats
in one human life

The Universe speaks...
allows us to know

leaves hints

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 43

...Fairies Twinkle

Fairies twinkle
in new fallen snow

each glance and glimmer

of shifting

as all the world turns white

each glance and glimmer

of shifting

might be one
with rainbow wings

here there and everywhere
while you might try to capture her spirit
try to save her clues
try to count her community
try to

but never quite come close enough
to catch her

never quite close enough
to know her

to understand her

to define her

to defend her

your own wildest imaginings

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 42

...The Last Leaf

The last leaf
darkens with dawn

spins on autumn winds
and nestles momentarily
into bird shape

Up and fly little leaf
with all my hopes

Make real my dreams

Flit away little leaf
into light

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 41

Sunday, November 23, 2008

...Wishing Well

Wishes weave into dreams
dreams into thoughts


String by string
new songs stir


Blending always blending
then with now

ideas work

Entire worlds wished into being
one by one


ideas work

Practiced into place
tweaked and twittered

and rearranged

to be memorized anew...

"..Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
And springþ þe wde nu,
Sing cuccu!"

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 40

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Visual Poem

Visual Poem
copyright 2008 Anne Selden Annab

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Autumn leaves

Autumn reaches

into brilliance
proving age
has its passions
and every phase
its prime

every leaf
every love
every day

And you and I
might flutter up like moths
in that vortical dance
they do

And you and I
might be the blooms
and bounty
of the garden

And you and I
might be the zephyr
that lifts the leaves

one by one
summer ends

one by one
autumn rustlings
as I look up

And then you and I
might be the breeze

that carries each leaf down
and crackling
into earth again

its the me and you
growing old together

watching the fairies gather

to make a raft

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 39

Sunday, September 21, 2008


stir my sleepy thoughts

pull me up
into a stretch

of day
with even strides

paced... in a lineal world

Your own view always of light
& always tightly focused on noon
where ever that might be

while mine is of shadows

and all those many minutes
& tinctures
& tones
in between

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 38

Friday, September 19, 2008


Its a full moon
that holds me

keeps me


spin dizzy

with lightness
in my step


of you


and me

for that moon


as we...

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 37

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Into Gold

Summer's deep lush dripping green

into gold

pocket change at first
small coins

as if a fortune might be found
if we can save this day of brink

tuck it into forever
with a gentle tug

brighten the gold
with good memories

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 36

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bound to Be

It startled me- autumn
in one batch of leaves
brewing fall

Startled me-
drew me in

School pencils
and graphite gray skies

Seasons blending
and bending time

papyrus scratched
with symbols

...the scrape of a new shoe
on an old sidewalk

and the brightness of berries
some bound to be
bound to be tree

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 35

Thursday, August 28, 2008

As Heaven Touches Earth


The little birds
lift my spirit

and my mood

their songs
their flight
their lightness
and perfect beauty

transport me

our garden
blooms with birds
and dreams...
as heaven touches earth

our home

poem copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 34

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Whispering Promises

New moon
new morning-
a Ramadan feast
for my eyes
before dawn...

New moon
in a blink

new morning:

Out of darkness
an uplifting breeze

a zephyr...

and then a blazing bloom
of amaranth all around

into amber
and gold

blending into the blues & greens
in our gardens

here and there
east meets west

whispering promises
and prayers...

in a blink
the beloved loves

and being is now
and forever

in the blue sky
and the rocks
that we can hold in our hands

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 33


Each day's bouquet
blooms differently

moody moody me
in every flower
and weed

always watching

to find echoes
of what was
and will be

how will it twine
into my own self

to find tremble
and trumpet

... does it drink of my veins
as I breathe in rooted here

does it know of my dreams...

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 32

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summer Vines

Summer vines
take earth & sun & water
& the bluest bits of sky
..... the purest
elements of all
and blend them
into vivid green
.... almost burgeoning




at first touch

always reaching

find anchor

and the ecstasy of seduction

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 31

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Morning Glories

Step out into the dew
the new light dawning now

A scattering of stars briefly slip
into flower shapes
as bird songs
infuse bloom
with galactic power
Begin again


as if to parachute
into sky blue

but bluer


poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 30


If I could melt into you
I would

become the air
in your feathers

and the loft
in your wing

If I could melt into you
and the warmth of my own hand

holding you

lending you branch
little twig

and lilac dreams...

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 29

Thursday, July 31, 2008

In our Ivy Tower

In our Ivy Tower
under the bower
of tree shade

wobbly wooden steps crumble
dissolve into earth

In our Ivy Tower
Barbara reads and reads and reads
while I wander

and the fairies laugh
for they catch her glance

they catch her eyes blinking
at my back

they see her shake her head
and her silly thoughts

They know her library
and how to turn the page

they know our sorrows too
and how to turn the page

In our Ivy Tower
Barbara reads and reads and reads
as the ivy grows and grows and grows...

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 28

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

....Golden Days

Golden Days
With a golden dog

And I tried to catch the light
Making you a lion
Tried to catch the moment
We shift into beyond

That heart beat
where myth ignites
into synthesis

And I hold my breath to be
As time curls into me

Every golden charm- all wealth
Unearthed- pours into a pause

Every glimmer in the kingdom
And every scratch on the cave wall
Every stone shaped to be something more
than mere mass

We breed thoughts
Build roads
Make museums
Name names
and claim sovereignty

But we only own our own hearts and minds
Our own imaginative ability to see and feel
And believe in something-
Or someone

Our own ability to love
Or not

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 27

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Come to the quiet

Come to the quiet
of our garden

the delight
of our love

(& labor)

Come to the quiet
where fantasy might call

trumpeting unexpectedly

the umbra steed unbridled

every sound might be song

.... every leaf a wing....

Every color a reminder
of what we have known

good times and bad blurred
into one glorious gallop

from one hue to another
each in turn
an eternity

to explore
inside out
and bloom

blending and bending every rule
as the breeze plays thoughts

and sunshine shimmers- glows
in greens and golds

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 26

Our American Goldfinch

His bold bright being
plunges past
swoops up
swoops down
every which way...

A to B involves
all the rest of the alphabet
in the way they fly


and the way they feed
upside down


A thistle fed twinkle
doing all that Sun
and Stars can't do

Every orbit
a reason to reinvent

and a way to polish sparkle
as another bright glint
lightly lands

drinks in glimmerings
and shimmerings
and song

every echo
of what might be

Our American Goldfinch

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 25

A Small White Song Bird

I dreamed of a bird
a small white song bird
Flittering through the trees
and while I watched entranced...

Flittering all through the forest
and then Flittering out of the forest...
...through the gardens...
Flittering eventually right to me
slipstreaming in through
a small, just barely open window-

A square window
my portal
What is this house
this place of creaking boards and books
This construction where sand becomes glass
and cotton becomes clothing...

Fluttering right inside
Fluttering down
to land on my
upturned hand
like water cupped

The small white song bird
stood still on my open palm
connected to my flesh
and all my feelings


his delicate twig feet
lightly rooted in my hand
his voice and wings at rest
weightless and white
unlike any song bird I have ever seen
or heard
he looked up into me
or searching
or simply seeing
I do not know

but i felt blessed
looking back

for one perfect moment

And then the small white song bird
fluttered up
and away
out the open window
back from where he came...

His flight and song resumed
Flittering all through the trees

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 24

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quiver and trill

Bird song
and stirrings...

tree top branches
reaching as far as earth
can go

where my eye lifts
in our garden

Quiver and trill

a story-
red apples ripening
in the orchard
on a summer's day

a story-
snap dragons blooming

Tell a
Tell a story-
and off he flies....

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 23

Water Rills

The castle keep
fills with flowerings

water rills
and falls

cupped by sea shells
to splash

in dreams
in imaginings

by the slightest touch

the smallest hint
the gentlest voice

the serendipity
of our time
our touch
our being


poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 22

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Fairy Garden Grows

Once upon a time
when the Admiral's
was a little girl
the Admiral's widow
took her to visit
an elderly friend.

In a room full
of frail antiques
the elderly friend
brought forth
a box filled with
precious treasure
and one by one
told stories
of where each
treasure was found

All around the world
(with no children)
she roamed various beaches-
each day a careful search
happily collecting
intriguing sea shells
(and with no children)
and her own death near
the shells now had no where to go

The Admiral's granddaughter listened
rapt- enchanted- and stunned
when bequeathed right there and then
... the entire bounty

Decades later in what
was once forest
then field
then lawn
a fairy garden grows

and now an arc of random sea shells
tumbles- oceans of memories
warm and cold
making new stories
out of old.

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 21

Our Hydrangea

Our Hydrangea
decides for itself

which blue to be
or not

reaching through pinks
into purples

one growing season
bringing many hues
and moods, pinks
into purples
and purples
into pink

each year the one shrub
getting wider and wilder

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 20

Cucumber Vines

He makes stars sparkle
from nothingness
takes bare earth
scratches it
seeds it

imagines what might be
and weeds out what shouldn't.

He lures cucumber vines up lattices
and carefully crafted ladders
of wood and string
counts blooms
and thanks the bees he sees

thanks the be's for pollination.

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 19

Yesterday's storms

Yesterday's storms
brought the red tailed hawk
to our trees

Swooping in low
right over head

Gusting in
on the winds

of a thundercloud

poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 18