I dreamed of a bird
a small white song bird
Flittering through the trees
and while I watched entranced...
Flittering all through the forest
and then Flittering out of the forest...
...through the gardens...
Flittering eventually right to me
slipstreaming in through
a small, just barely open window-
A square window
my portal
What is this house
this place of creaking boards and books
This construction where sand becomes glass
and cotton becomes clothing...
Fluttering right inside
Fluttering down
to land on my
upturned hand
like water cupped
The small white song bird
stood still on my open palm
connected to my flesh
and all my feelings
his delicate twig feet
lightly rooted in my hand
his voice and wings at rest
weightless and white
unlike any song bird I have ever seen
or heard
he looked up into me
or searching
or simply seeing
I do not know
but i felt blessed
looking back
for one perfect moment
And then the small white song bird
fluttered up
and away
out the open window
back from where he came...
His flight and song resumed
Flittering all through the trees
poem & picture copyright ©2008 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 24