Tuesday, April 29, 2014



Not too many days ago
the softening earth leading
to the dogwood tree trunk
was a level plain of browns.

Leaf litter and dirt clumps
up close, from afar
just flat.


Mr Grey dipped in White,
with his wings folded down
and his tail feathers up
for balance,

went by tiny inch long foot
by tiny inch long foot


ever so tentatively roaming

into a bright green forest
as far as our eyes can see,

roaming sparrow sized paths
in the bright green forest
of vertical verdant green stems
that push straight up and then out
with vivid green leaves gracefully
unfurling over his feathered head...

Tomorrow is set to echo
his sparrow steps and
his sparrow song
with a multitude
 of bright white
 Lily bells
of the valley.

poem & photo copyright ©2014 Anne Selden Annab
The Fairy Garden Poems # 58